OXYACETYLENE WELDING The Process:- Gas welding is a welding process that melts and joins metals by heating them with a flame caused by the reaction between a fuel gas and oxygen. Oxyacetylene welding (OAW), shown in Figure is the most commonly used gas welding process because of its high flame temperature. A flux may be used to deoxidize and cleanse the weld metal. The flux melts, solidifies, and forms a slag skin on the resultant weld metal. Three different types of flames in oxyacetylene welding: neutral, reducing, and oxidizing , which are described next. Advantages and Disadvantages :- The main advantage of the oxyacetylene welding process is that the equipment is simple, portable, and inexpensive.Therefore, it is convenient for maintenance and repair applications. However, due to its limited power density, the welding speed is very low and the total heat input per unit length of the weld is rather high, resulting in large heat-affected zones and severe distortion.The...
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